
Seppo Tooth Tiger

After the craziest busy work week I've had in awhile, between documenting 3 days worth of different Paper Magazine fashiony parties, and three Guitar Center shoots the three days before I left, Sabertooth Tiger has finally arrived in Australia. A couple months ago, we were offered an openning slot for a small tour in Australia, from our friends in Melbourne, The Nation Blue, and Black Level Embassy All we had to do was pay for our way across the Pacific, and the tour would hopefully pay for itself. I didn't want to believe it until we had landed where the toilets flush counterclockwise and Christmas is in the Summer. Well we made it, even though Chris was hassled at the border because the guards thought he was a junkie holding "gear", and Dave forgot to declare his drumsticks when the customs form asked if he was bringing any wood into the country. All that withstanding we're here. We travelled through time and skipped Tuesday during the flight and we are now in the future. We have found, in the future, that they have great bagel shops, coffee every 1/2 block, colorful plastic money, 18 year olds in bars, and boomerangs What an amazing toy/weapon a boomerang is. We're staying with Matt Weston, world renown all around nice guy, bass player for The Nation Blue and Director of commercials and music videos, or clips, as they're called downundaahhhh.. here are some photos of our first coupla days...

Matt has an amazing toy collection, and loves halloween, even though they don't really celebrate it here.

And escalators don't have stairs here, much safer i'd say

Matt's sweet Ford Falcon

ahh yes, and Matt has quite a fascination with Mr. T

Our first show with Black Level Embassy at club NEXT, where club kids all look like they're in my chemical romance.


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