
Gentlemen start your engines..

The Speed Channel/Nascar Nation Ad that I shot in North Carolina a couple weeks ago is hitting your newstands as we speak... This one is in Us Weekly..I'll put up some funny outtakes a little later...

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Happy Monday..

Just wanna start this one out by saying, lindsay lohan is not anorexic.. but she is pretty skinny.

I've rummaged up a few unposted photos from the recent past along with some new shots from a show at club Moscow with Dirty Little Secret, Aaron biehl, Casper, a smashed guitar, year future and other stuff... WERD!

Annie of Giant Drag who slayed at club Moscow last wednesday.

Aaron Biehl

Dirty little secret at club moscow

It was a year ago on July 2nd that this was smashed.. and I finally got around to taking a photo and sacrificing it to the green plastic barrel in the front yard... R.I.P

Year Future

Malia in her photobooth>her pics are here


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Sabertooth tiger video

Michael Grodner shot a Sabertooth Tiger video this saturday and it was pretty amazing. Everybody worked a really long hard day. Thanks to all the people who came out, drank beer, and supported us, and thanks to everyone who worked so hard.. here are some photos..

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Here's a quick photo of the "almost sunset" last night...
and if someone could just hire me to take photos of our cat CATFACE all day, i'd be super psyched..

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The Bled, a sticker and tsk tsk...

I just got finished shooting the press shots for The Bled a couple weeks ago.... here are a couple shots that i took of them about a month and a half ago... I'll put the new ones up as soon they start to go out... also, Sabertooth Tiger has a new sticker floating around.... werd oh, and here's an old live shot of tsk tsk..

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North Carolina throw your hands up!!

I just got back from Charolette North Carolina where I was shooting some photos for speed channel. I shot a bar scene where nascar racers Casey Mears, Jamie McMurray, and the new host of Nascar Nation, Leann Tweeden, were "hanging out". Basically shot photos of them getting real good and drunk and eating a bunch of amazing food for a couple hours.. it went well.. then i proceeded to get loaded on Jamie's bar tab while they talked about flying on private jets, playing tennis with anna kornacova, and hot-tubs. Charelette was really pretty.. and super muggy. 80 degrees felt like 800. Also it rained 2" in about 45 minutes. Which just ended up feeling like this winter in LA. I'll post the ad once it's printed but until then.. here are some shots of the hotel room and other things around charollette.. booyah.

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OC weekly

here are the photos that the OC weekly didn't run in the story that i shot about mexican belts a couple weeks ago..
thanks to Luis for setting up these shots with me...

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officially in the blogosphere...

this is my first post.. wow, i officially live in the future..

here are some shots from a shoot that i just did that are in the new ESPN magazine..

more soon...


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