
Brother Reade in the secret EP Studio

So if you can't tell, I got a new camera. A camera that I've been waiting to get for about a year. I made a deal with myself that the only way i deserved to spend an assload of money on a new hunk of metal filled with electronics was to shoot more photos for myself, not for work, not stressing out over lighting, not worrying about clients, not retouching like crazy, not endlessly stessing out whether i'm going to get more work from this or that, or does it go in my portfolio or not, no stylists, no makeup, just fun. The thing that got me into photography.. Pictures, not business. Pictures of friends recording music, or people outside cheering on their favorite soccer team, or the party after your friends band plays, or a trip to Mexico to see how crazy bullfighting is. Just pushing myself to take more pictures. So to go along with this new "shooting more stuff" theme, I sat in on a late night recording session with Jael and Kills of Brother Reade last night. Amidst spilt beer, doubled choruses, mmh hmm's, slow beats, stories of beer seasoned like meat, Cali rocking all white, dogs everywhere, and Jael's first hole in one.. an amazing song rose out of the ashes, and made for 5 successful BR recording days in a row... Dammnnnnnn, check the rest of the picks..

This is right after Jael's first hole in one, 3rd verse first take.

Another good nights work

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Dirty Little Secret all up in the Studio

Yeah, James does look like he just got out of jail, i agree.
Dirty Little Secret was in studio HANGAR 1018 last week and i went down there with a 6 pack of miller lights and got a bit tipsy, listened to some of the new DLS flavor and took some photos. They're playing at Safari Sams this week go check em izz-out..


James getting ready to get raw

He drives a Harley too.

Thats a regular sized cup, Torin is HUGE!!

Luis has way more Fuzz pedals than all of us combined.

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K-TOWN World Cup

Down, Down in Korea Town.
Friday June 23rd, Korean soccer fans all came down to Wilshire and Oxford, to watch Korea vs. Switzerland. Although the Korean Red Devils lost, the fans were in it to win it all until the final whistle.

Even punkrock James made a showing in full support, with kickass boyscout neckerchief and all..

Mariko was also spotted, although dressed entirely in black, waving the red devil flag in full support.

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