
More planes

The take off was really amazing on my last trip, which was to Florida. We took off at the same time as another plane, and flew up the coast a bit over the islands before turning east. It was early in the morning, so the light was perfect. be sure to check out the rest..

Double plastic windows and a lens mixed with light

Sometimes things just line up

Empty rows make room for pictures

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Brand Life - my haircut has been branded!!!

larger readable version
Marcus at Brandlife Magazine in Spain, asked if they could republish the haircut series from my blog. They just sent them over the other day, and I made it in right next to the ketchup!!

Here is the spanish at the bottom.. Aaron Farley es un fotógrafo afincado en Los Ángeles. Le gustan, sobre todo, los retratos y hace unos días decidió cortarse el pelo. Farley decidió hacer de este hecho una historia y convertirlo en un proyecto de storytelling visual. ¿Por qué se metió la maquinilla? Así lo explica en su blog: "Es tan simple como esto. Al principio quería dejarme crecer el pelo hasta el nacimiento de Lyla [su hija] para tener pelo el largo en sus primeras fotos. Pensé que sería mejor para las futuras fiestas de álbumes de fotos. "¡Papá, mira tu pelo! Qué hippie, qué vagabundo…". Pero se me fue un poco de las manos y decidí que necesitaba tomar el control otra vez".

Here it is translated into english straight from an online translator
Aaron Farley is a photographer settled in The Angels. He they like, above all, the portraits and some days ago decided to be cut the hair. Farley decided to do of this fact a history and to become a project of storytelling visual. Why the winch was put? Thus it explains it in its blog: "Is as simple as this. At the beginning wanted to leave me to grow the hair to the birth of Lyla [its daughter] to have hair the long one in its first photos. I thought that would be better for the future photos albums festivals. “¡Papá, sight your hair! What hippy, what vagabond…". But it was itself me a little the hands and I decided that needed to take the control again".

I actually had it translated for me and it was super nice.. so thanks again Marcus!!

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My love of photography in a photo

I really do love all the new photo technology. Cameras have gotten to the point that a man, holding a cane, with bad vision, can still compose and shoot a nice photo at the Getty.

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Last daily!! Newsee 3/11/09 LA Times

Well of course I chose the shortest month of the year.. but this is the last of the 28 newseez.. the finale..

Mar. 11th LA Times, 8x10" on paper, UV coated $25 to your doorstep

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Newseez -3/9 & 3/10

Just one more to do before the months end!!

Mar. 9th LA Times 8x10" on paper - $25 to your doorstep.

Mar.10th LA Times 8x10" on paper - $25 to your doorstep.

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Newseez - fashion forward 3/07 and 3/08

The fashion days. I've been out of town for a couple days, so I got backed up.. no scissors on planes.. There are only 3 more dailies left to do.. the 11th is the last day.. then it's on to new projects.. i have 2 more ready to go up tomorrow.. and then the grande finale.. Also, I've been UV coating them, so hapefully they will not fade.. thats what the spray says..

Mar. 07 LA Times 8x10" on paper - $25 to your doorstep.

Mar. 08 LA Times 8x10" on paper - $25 to your doorstep

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Mar. 4, 5, 6 only 5 more to go

Mar. 4, LA. Times collage 8x10" $25 to your doorstep

Mar. 5, LA. Times collage 8x10" $25 to your doorstep

Mar. 6, LA. Times collage 8x10" $25 to your doorstep

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New collages - Mar. 1, 2, 3

I had a big sick day on Monday Mar. 2nd, I'm pretty sure it was food poisoning, but who really knows.. anyway, i only get Thurs-Sun papers at the house and i forgot to get a paper that day. What did come that day was the phone book.. so the Mar 2nd collage, as of now is from the phonebook. If someone does still have the Mar. 2nd paper and they want to give me a buzz I'll do it to it.. also I'll put up three more tomorrow, so we're all caught up.. I'm also figuring out how to UV coat these.. so hopefully they won't fade..

Mar. 1st LA Times 8x10" $25 to your doorstep

Mar. 2nd Glendale/Eastside phonebook 8x10" $25 to your doorstep

Mar. 3rd LA Times 8x10" $25 to your doorstep

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PDN/Billboard summer music contest

I entered the PDN/Billboard contest and my photo of a soldier in Kuwait crowd surfing ,placed in the crowd category. I didn't win, but its definitely nice to be in the magazine.

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Feb. 28th collage

Another in my series of daily collages from the LA Times. I started on Feb. 12th and have decided to do these dailies for a month, then I have another project in mind after that.. Until then, you can keeping checking back for updates... and if you'd like to see them all you can go here.

I've also decided to add a photo to the posts..
$25 post paid, for the collage

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